A Letter from Dr. Slutsker

January 8, 2018

My dear friends and neighbors,

I am writing this letter to inform you about interesting facts regarding health and to increase your interest towards creating a healthy life style.

You probably are aware of the increasing health problems such as: diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, cancer and in the center of all is our weight increasing daily at national level, and Alabama leads the nation.

It is expected that our children will be the first generation to have shorter life expectancy than their parents; no one wants to hear this and it is my belief that we all must try to do everything to ensure that this is not happening.

I have been practicing medicine for a long time, and I feel the urge to educate the public and to help as many people as possible to get on a healthier path, so that they can enjoy their life.

This is why I opened a little practice in your neighborhood, and would love to help you get on your way to a healthier, happier you.

In addition to seeing patients in the office, I will also be giving food for thought with my blog via my website and Facebook page. It would be similar to: «Dear Abby», just changed to: « Dr. Liliya, I have a question»
You can send me questions of your concerns in regard to food, exercise, genomes, microbiomes etc., I will answer questions confidentially, and your identity will not be revealed. On a weekly basis, I will publish a question on a specific topic to educate the public (and give you some pearls of wisdom too).
For example:

Q: Dr. Liliya how I can protect myself from the flu?

A: 1.Flu shot ( not just to protect you, but fragile people around you such as: elderly, or babies or kids, or the sick).
2.Wash your hands and dry them with towel prior to touching your face, or eating ( occasional  bites or seat down meals).
3.You may use Vit.C 1 g, zinc supplements, probiotics to enhance your immunity.
4.Avoid crowded areas.
5.Protect your nasal passages with normal saline spray as moisturizer  in dry, heated homes in this cold weather and avoid excessive drying mucosa by turning off fans.
6. Do not spray harsh disinfectant chemicals, but use wipes to disinfectant on handles of bathrooms and refrigerator (the most traffic areas).


Q: Dr. Liliya, how can I help my son or daughter to lose weight?

A: I can start answering, but I will not have enough lifetime to finish answering your question.
I can tell you that research has been done of human microbiota: in one study during a 16-week period kids who were taking prebiotics decrease their BMI (body mass index) almost 3.8%.

What are prebiotics?
It is a chemical in fruits and vegetables, not digestible by humans, but supports health and immunity by nourishing beneficial bacteria in your gut.
It is not the same as probiotics.
Research has been done in Canada with 8 grams of Prebiotin per day and normal diet. Prebiotin contains oligofructose enriched inulin (please note, not insulin) (OEI).

If you would like to learn more information, want to send me questions, or to visit our little clinic; tomorrow we have a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11:00am. We will be open until 7 pm and we welcome you to stop in any time.

Best regards,


Liliya Slutsker, MD